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Table of contents
  1. Helpers
    1. Finding common ancestor
    2. Getting a chain of DEPRELs between the nodes
  2. Constants


The udon2.helpers module provides useful functions that operate beyond the level of one node (or subtree induced by this node).

Finding common ancestor

New in v0.1.0

find_common_ancestor(n1, n2) is a helper returning a common ancestor in the depdenency tree between the nodes n1 and n2. The function expects both nodes to be in the same tree and returns the instance of udon2.Node class. To give an example, consider the dependency tree shown in the figure below and the associated code snippet.

A visualized dependency tree for the sentence "You should study these topics or you will fail the exam"

import stanza
import udon2
from udon2.helpers import find_common_ancestor

en = stanza.Pipeline(lang="en", processors='tokenize,lemma,pos,depparse')
roots = udon2.Importer.from_stanza(en("You should study these topics or you will fail the exam.").to_dict())

r = roots[0]
n1 = r.select_by("form", "or")[0]
n2 = r.select_by("form", "exam")[0].children[0] # "the" near the exam

print(str(find_common_ancestor(n1, n2))) # prints "VERB|conj|fail"

Getting a chain of DEPRELs between the nodes

New in v0.1.0

If you have two nodes n1 and n2 in the same tree, then get_deprel_chain(n1, n2) will return a chain of DEPRELs between the nodes. Since all arcs in the dependency tree are directed, the function considers both the direct chain (from n1 to n2) and the reverse chain (from n2 to n1). The function returns the udon2.Chain structure that has two attributes: direct - for the direct chain and reverse for the reverse chain. The example below is given for the same dependency tree as in the previous section.

import stanza
import udon2
from udon2.helpers import get_deprel_chain

en = stanza.Pipeline(lang="en", processors='tokenize,lemma,pos,depparse')
roots = udon2.Importer.from_stanza(en("You should study these topics or you will fail the exam.").to_dict())

r = roots[0]
n1 = r.select_by("form", "or")[0]
n2 = r.select_by("form", "exam")[0].children[0] # "the" near the exam

ci = get_deprel_chain(n1, n2)
print(   # prints ''
print(ci.reverse)  # prints ''

n3 = r.select_by("form", "fail")[0]

ci = get_deprel_chain(n1, n3)
print(   # prints ''
print(ci.reverse)  # prints 'cc'

ci = get_deprel_chain(n3, n2)
print(   # prints 'obj.det'
print(ci.reverse)  # prints ''


udon2.constants module now provides a number of constants for DEPRELs, FEATS and UPOS tags available within the UD framework. This might be useful to checking the annotation consistency or creating any kind of formal language that uses UD concepts (e.g., template and guard languages described in this article).

Each value in every returned list is an instance of udon2.constants.UniversalToken structure that contains two fields: code - the code name used to tag the UD treebanks (e.g., PronType) and name - the actual name of this feature in plain English (e.g., PronType feature has “pronominal type” as name). Below are some examples.

The defined constants are:

  • udon2.constants.X_UPOS - the instance of udon2.constants.UniversalToken for each UPOS tag X, e.g. if X=ADV, then ADV_UPOS constant is defined for it
  • udon2.constants.X_DEPREL - the instance of udon2.constants.UniversalToken for each DEPREL X, e.g. if X=nsubj, then NSUBJ_DEPREL constant is defined for it
  • udon2.constants.X_UFEAT - the instance of udon2.constants.UniversalToken for each universal feature X, e.g. if X=PronType, then PRONTYPE_UFEAT constant is defined for it
  • udon2.constants.UPOS_TAGS - the immutable list of all UPOS tags in the UD
  • udon2.constants.DEPRELS - the immutable list of all DEPRELs in the UD
  • udon2.constants.FEATS - the map of all FEATS from their codes to the lists of possible values
import udon2.constants as uc

print(str(uc.ADV_UPOS))        # prints 'ADV/adverb'
print(str(uc.NSUBJ_DEPREL))    # prints 'nsubj/nominal subject'
print(str(uc.PRONTYPE_UFEAT))  # prints 'PronType/pronominal type'

print([str(x) for x in uc.UPOS_TAGS])
# prints ['ADJ/adjective', 'ADV/adverb', 'ADP/adposition', 'AUX/auxiliary', 'CCONJ/coordinating conjunction', 'DET/determiner', 'INTJ/interjection', 'NOUN/noun', 'NUM/numeral', 'PART/particle', 'PRON/pronoun', 'PROPN/proper noun', 'PUNCT/punctuation', 'SCONJ/subordinating conjunction', 'SYM/symbol', 'VERB/verb', 'X/other']